Tuesday, November 22, 2011


How sweet is this beard alphabet? And some other cool ones too!

Well, it's official. Last week, I got my drivers license with my new last name. Everything else might take awhile (reward clubs, online accounts, etc...), but I am now legally a Flater. (Pronounced like Slater)

Recently, I have been signing my new last name but forgetting to cross the "t" and still dotting an "i" that is no longer there. I guess it's just going to take some practice.

So let's all cheers take an Apple Pucker shot in celebration of my new name!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! After almost 8 months I still sign Flater when I don't consciously think to sign Gales. I guess I signed Flater for 23 years and you signed Morrison for 25...so it's bound to happen!

    Anyway, I'm glad you're a Flater! It's the best!
